A beautiful January Wedding...

In January we had the pleasure of capturing all the special moments of a wedding between two lovely people, here in the city of Abuja.

It started on a warm Saturday morning. We arrived early to capture the bride and her train, as they submitted themselves to the professional touch of a hairstylist and makeup artist. This is usually one of my favorite parts of a wedding day. In this room, you get a feel of the excitement, emotions and anticipation that goes characterizes a wedding. Maybe that is because women express emotion much more freely.

The church ceremony venue was lovely, a large edifice with enough room to manouvre, which suited me just fine because I try to keep out of peoples faces as much as possible except when I have to.

The best part of this wedding for me was the couples dance. It was romantic, and sweet. The couple did what every couple should do when it is time to dance that first dance together: forget about every other person on the room.

All in all, a great wedding. I left the venue eagerly looking forward to my next wedding assignment.


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