Cognito Change Nigeria Project

A while ago we started a photography project called "Cognito Change Nigeria Project", an exercise designed to challenge your creativity and improve your photography skills and also give you an opportunity to be a change agent. This is how it works: Think about what would help Nigeria be the country we dream about. Write it on a sheet of paper with a marker. Get your photo taken, doesn't matter if it's a camera phone, compact camera or a professional DSLR. Upload to Cognito Studios Facebook wall or send to  Title the picture "Cognito Change Nigeria project" tag yourself and your friends. It's fun. It's meaningful. 

A picture they say is worth a thousand words. Put all you have to say about Nigeria in a simple and creative photo.

Be as creative as you like, and take as many pictures as you want. Now here is the fun part: Every month we will select the best photo (based on the message and creativity used in composing the shot). The winner is entitled to a free outdoor photo session in any of Abuja's major parks e.g. Milennium park, Wonderland etc..

Personally I think it is a cool idea. It beats lying around complaining about our country or situation. The very act of getting involved will stimulate your creative juices and help you (us) on your way to solutions.

This last photo says it all really. Nigeria needs you to make a difference. Its not hard at all. Little things count. 


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