The wonderful world of children...Creating photo albums as they grow

We all know how fast children grow. One day they are so tiny and fragile, you are scared you just might drop them, next thing you know, you are almost chaining them to a bed post or locking them up in their rooms because you just cant contain their boundless energy.

That is why it is important as a parent to take time out to document their growth with photographs. Have your camera on standby to capture those priceless moments and milestones in their development. Like when they begin to crawl or take their first steps, or when they start growing teeth. Capture their smiles, frowns, cries and laughter.

And while you are at it, be sure to title or caption these photos. Or just put down a note to say why you took the picture or what was happening at the moment. 

Most importantly, get all those pictures into an album or Photobook. You may seek the services of a professional photographer or studio (e.g. Cognito Studios!) to help you process, sort and arrange your photos into beautifully crafted Photobooks, specially customised to your particular taste. Your Photobook may even have short poems, comments or notes to share with viewers all the special thoughts and feelings watching your children grow has given you.

What are your thoughts about photographing children? Or about how fast they grow? What are your experiences trying to document their development? Please feel free to share with us by sending in your comments. I am sure you have a lot to share either from your personal experiences for those who have kids, or from the experiences of others (for those who don't)

While you are at it, feel free to reach us on Facebook or our contact page for further inquiries on how we can help you on this particular issue.

Thanks for dropping by!


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