Happy Nigerians!! A photo project

A couple of weekends ago, we took on a short photo project. The aim was to take photos of Nigerians in traditional attire expressing emotions of joy and excitement. The location was Millennium Park Abuja and my good friends were there to make it happen.

Here are just a few random pictures from the day...Enjoy!

I told them, "Imagine if you just got a call informing your that you just won a lottery of 10 million US dollars!!"

And this cute little guy was just a bundle of fun! I guess here he could have been saying:

"PEACE!! In the Middle East!!"

Peace...In the Middle East!

Call us for your photography needs
Ok so there it is. I guess in a couple of days I will upload more pictures from the series. Till then, stay happy! And be sure to connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Email or give us a call.


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