Reach for greatness

The question you and I must answer today is: "Are we going to remain satisfied with where we are now, or we are going to get up and reach for what life has to offer?" Every individual is loaded with potentials: gifts, talents, abilities, strengths. Those potentials are in you for a reason: to give you leverage so that you can negotiate your way through life to that place of your dreams.
Beyonce, Rihanna, TuFace, MI, Denzel Washington, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates; all these people got to where they are today because they realized and utilized their potentials. They reached out for greatness. Today they are icons, role models and success symbols.

What are you doing on that bed? How long will you keep shedding those tears? How long will you keep complaining and depending on others. There is a great man and woman inside you. Get up. Get a piece of paper and a pen. Write down all those things that you like about yourself, goods things that people have said about you, and things you love to do. These are your potentials. These are your strengths. Work on them, enhance them, build them up. Spread your wings today...and reach for the greatness that is within you.

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