Creative People - Profile 3: Israel Bemu

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."- Steve Job
We have another guest today. His name is Israel Bemu, a good friend of mine who is as creative as they come. Stay tuned and keep reading as we explore his world of creativity and inspiration.

So in a nutshell, tell us about yourself,
I love life, fun and adventure. Nature is just my inspiration. Hey, did I forget to mention, I am married to the most beautiful woman God ever created (lol)

That’s great to know! Tell us, what occupies your time 9 to 5?
I am a banker/relationship manager with one of the major banks in Nigeria. In between the time frame, I still squeeze some space to lift my spirit with some creative work of my own!

What kind of creative work?
I have a passion for Photography, creative arts, fashion design, African designs to be precise.

Wow, so how do you make time for these things?
That is a big question. Amidst the frustrating job schedule, if I may say, one always has to make out time for anything he really loves and has a great passion for. Sometimes in the early hours of the morning and late nights when there is quietness, inspiration flows and one just tries to flow along with the expression of what God places within you.
Sometimes, even as you go through the busy schedule of the day, you get inspiration from the places, people, events and scenes that form a greater part of your day and you just have to be in tune with nature to grab them!

Nice. It appears you draw inspiration from all around you. But tell us, what is your main source of motivation?
God is my inspiration because He alone created the universe from where we behold His creations and try to do the same. He has given us His very nature which is to be creative.

If you had the chance to do a remix of your life, would you still be a banker?
Never! Sometimes I feel trapped within myself and I weep because I haven’t got the time and freedom to express myself, or should I say, give expression to those “things” within me that earnestly seek expression. I wouldn’t go there in my next life. (laughs)

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
By the grace of God and with a total commitment to actualizing my life goals, I see myself as an entrepreneur, managing my own businesses centered on photography, artworks, clothing’s, perfumes and maybe music.

You sing too right? I have been privileged to hear your amazing voice.
Yes I sing. I even sang a duet with my love at our wedding.

Interesting. So what advice would you give your son when he reaches the point of making a career choice in the future? Especially if he turns out to be as creative as you?
Let him make that decision after seeking God’s face. One thing I know for sure is that I would support him to live his dreams and not mine, so help me God.

What would you like to be remembered for by coming generations?
For the lives I have been able to touch, either by my work, giftings or just by any act of kindness or generosity

Alright Mr. Israel, great hearing from you. I am truly inspired. Do you have any websites, blogs or platforms where you showcase your works?
Well basically you can see some of them on my Facebook profile  (Bemu Nyeh Isra'el). Though here is a picture of a fasion design I made with cowries.


Well there it is folks. Another inspiring example of the creative potential that lies all around us. Feel free to share what impresses you most about Israel, and get in touch with me ( if you would like to express your creative side on this blog. 
Remember, we are here to motivate and encourage one another. So spread the word.
Remain Inspired.


  1. MAny thanks to you Mr.Shawn for having me on this platform and for the works you are doing,the sky can only be your starting point! U also are a bundle of talents and gifts!

  2. You are welcome my friend. Keep doing what you do...

  3. Precious AnyadikeSunday, August 21, 2011

    Wow, this is absolutly Inspiring!


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