Green Inspirations...

Green – The Harmony of Nature (culled from

Green symbolizes: Abundance prosperity hope life, nature, fertility, well-being Harmony, Heart
Green Energy:
Green contains the powerful energies of nature and is the color of fertility and new life, growth and abundance.
Green combines blue and yellow.  It is stable, calming, expansive, the trees, grass and shrubs.
Nature uses it as a background for all that buds, blossoms, crawls, and flies. Green harmonizes with everything in nature’s rich cornucopia.
Green is the color of balance, healing and hope. It brings peace and harmony into our lives and rejuvenates the soul.
Meaning of green also connects us to unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion.
Change and transformation is necessary for growth, and so this ability to sustain changes is also a part of the energy of green.
Green often symbolizes money. 

Keywords for the Meaning of Green:
Growth, fertility, new-life, nature, harmony, healing, refreshing, soothing, peaceful, contentment, confidence, hope, luck, beauty, balance, inner peace, unconditional love, calming, rejuvenation, abundance, prosperity, money, sense of home, family life, charity, environment, healthy, good luck, vitality, renewal, spring, generosity, food, grass, freshness, soothing, sharing and responsiveness.

Let all the positive things that go with green fill your world today...

Feel free to share what green means to you and tell us your favorite colors too.

Remain Inspired


  1. Hmmmm,my mouth went WAO! After reading this piece on GREEN! To some it may just be a Five lettered word and to another,just a Color! It takes a mind in tune with nature and the supreme one to put something of this nature together! With GREEN,I'm reminded of God's promise to increase me,I See the beauty and nature of God at work! With every gaze at my precious and priceless Son,Jaden V.,I am forever grateful to God for GREEN. For all that GREEN is or means to anyone out there,I simply say-"GREEN is LIFE

  2. Thanks Israel for the insightful comments...


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